In a broad sense, a content management system does not necessarily have to provide only a website. There are two main groups of CMSs: enterprise content management systems (ECM) and web content management systems (WCMS). Due to the popularity of the latter, more often under CMS is meant exactly a web content management system. Any WCMS compiles the pages of the site on the fly, using a design template, as well as the content itself – text, images, video, etc.

If you have set the goal of organizing a website, the choice of engine should be approached thoughtfully. From what system for content management you choose, depends on the functionality of your site, as well as the stability of its operation and administration capabilities.

Creating a site, webmaster can use there are two options for solving this problem: to use ready-made solutions or to plunge into a lengthy process of creating a CMS from scratch using such frameworks as Django, Flask, AioHTTP, Laravel, The Laminas Project, etc.flaskOften under the framework is a set of libraries for a particular language that facilitate the development of web applications. For example, Django is a tool for the Python language.

And, although any web project can be written on the bare Python code without this framework, Django greatly accelerates the process of creating and configuring the main modules of the site – webadminka, module for publishing messages, etc. In addition, the use of frameworks provides a number of advantages, such as the ability to quickly transfer customized site modules to other projects.

Thus, the variant with frameworks implies programming skills, while the usual version of CMS already “out of the box” allows a person far from web development to use a wide range of tools. With the help of “ordinary” CMS you can, for example, in a matter of minutes to deploy an online store on hosting, create, say, a social network or organize a knowledge base wiki.